Condensate Pump for Boiler: Do you Need One?
Boilers are one of many different methods that people use to heat their homes and keep them warm. Like furnaces and other forms of heat, boilers create condensation as they’re producing heat. Depending on where or how your boiler is installed, you may need a condensate pump attached to it. A...
What’s the Best Insulation for Radiant Floor Heat?
Radiant floor heating has been increasing in popularity in recent years. This type of heat... -
Is Radiant Ceiling Heat Safe? Pros and Cons of Radiant Ceiling Heat
Radiant ceiling heat has been available in some form for over 50 years. In an... -
How to Install a Radiant Heat Thermostat
If you are a DIYer interested in radiant heating, you probably have a heating issue...
Does A Tankless Water Heater Need A Condensate Drain?
There is no doubt that tankless water heaters are becoming more popular in homes all around the world. One of the biggest questions I’m asked
Heat Pump Water Heater vs Tankless: What’s the Difference?
The plumbing industry has come a long way, but few of its components have improved as much as water heaters. Where the water heating option

The 5 Best Electric Tankless Water Heaters for Endless Hot Water
Looking to replace a tank style hot water heater and lower your electricity bill at the same time? An electric tankless water heater could be
Is Drain Water Heat Recovery Worth It?
Water heating is a necessity that many don’t consider when calculating their overall energy bill. As we all love a hot shower at the beginning or end of a day, we may not put too much thought into the high-energy consumption that comes with it. A drain water heat recovery is...
What is a Quick Recovery Water Heater?
Picture this: it’s the end of the day, you’re tired, and all you want is... -
How Does an Under Sink Hot Water Recirculating Pump Work? Under Sink Installation Guide
As plumbing techniques and technology have continued to evolve, hot water recirculating pumps have evolved... -
Best Shower Head Filter for Well Water
Well water isn’t without impurities. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns that private...

Can You Heat a Saltwater Pool?
You can absolutely heat a saltwater pool. In this article, I will cover the basics of saltwater pools, the various types of heaters, and special considerations

Does Baking Soda Make Pool Water Clear? How to Clear a Cloudy Pool
Adding baking soda will not make your pool water clear. Cloudy or milky pool is caused by many issues, including reduced pH and alkalinity, high

How to Clean a Pool without Chemicals
I get asked how to clean a pool without chemicals quite a bit by people wanting to maintain their pool in a manner that is
Is Water from an Air Conditioner Safe to Drink? Condensate Water for Humans and Pets
Air conditioners are great appliances that make summers more enjoyable and more bearable. Because they run during the summer when it’s hot and humid, they produce condensation which comes in the form of water while in operation. Many homeowners often question whether or not the water from their air conditioner...
Can Dogs Drink Distilled Water? A Guide to the Best Water for Dogs
Even though it’s safe at normal levels, distilled water should never be your dog’s sole... -
Can You Drink Shower Water?
Drinking shower water might be hazardous to your health. Along with shower water, you might... -
Best Water Filters for Arsenic
You’ve tested your water and it was revealed that you have higher than normal arsenic...